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Showing posts from May, 2018

Figurations and Offer

I attended the  Figurations Conference  at the Bartlett on 25th April. The range of discussion was very wide and quite esoteric. One presentation which I found particularly useful was Carlo Menon 's discussion of "minor to major". For me this offered up the idea that while much of John Laing's photographic imagery might be considered "minor" in that they show vernacular housing, construction workers going about their jobs and so on , in reality this work should be considered "major" because of the aggregated impact that it created over time.  Some of the work, such as Coventry Cathedral and the M1 falls immediately into the "major" but I think a lot of other material is just as important in the story that it tells. The 4th of May has been a red letter day for me, firstly I got to meet the people at John Laing and its Charitable Trust in person and had a really great conversation and then when I got home and checked I had my formal offe...